Passion for our patients.
Patients’ wellbeing as benchmark
As a private, family-owned organization focused solely on movement disorders and spasticity, we are empowered to make decisions about our business and our products based on the needs of that community. The people of Merz Therapeutics share a passion for understanding the need to help improve the quality of life for patients who live with debilitating conditions caused by movement disorders and spasticity. We work closely with healthcare providers, families and advocates to understand the complex ways that movement disorders – and the task of managing them – can affect every aspect of a patient’s daily life. As collaborators with the healthcare providers who are on the front lines of care for people with movement disorders, we actively seek out thoughtful opportunities to make treatment accessible and sustainable. Every decision we make as a company is informed by our compassion for patients and their families.
Closer to every patient
Merz Therapeutics is focused on the needs of the movement disorder community and those who support it. Every decision we make as a company is informed by our compassion for patients and their families.

Information that helps
Individuals who acquire knowledge about their conditions and diseases, but also about therapy options and how to deal with it in everyday life, can help regain control over their own situation bit by bit. That is why we have developed Merz Connect™ with comprehensibly prepared information. Merz Connect is your resource for Merz product access, coverage, reimbursement services, and support.

Helping together
We work closely with different patient organizations. As such, we can better understand and serve the needs of patients and healthcare providers. It also allows us to share valuable knowledge, resources and networks with each other because we also share the same goal – to improve the situation of people suffering from movement disorders. These groups can be helpful resources for you. Remember, your doctor is your best resource for information about your condition and treatment options.